Photo of Smiling man sitting at the help desk with text

Be My Eyes: Microsoft Tech Support Story

Sam shares his story about being a tech support agent.

Sam is a tech support agent at the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk, where he answers calls from customers who are blind or have low-vision calling through the Be My Eyes Specialized Help Desk. Be My Eyes is a free app that connects blind and low vision people with sighted volunteers or company representatives for visual assistance through a live video call. Be My Eyes has a feature that can connect a user with a technical problem directly to the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk. Traditional technical support hotline representatives are not familiar with accessibility settings or the use of assistive technology. However, agents like Sam, are well versed in assistive technology and are able to assist customers and directly interact with the customer’s computer. 

In the video below, Sam explains his job as a tech support agent or read the article, The Technical Support Experience with Be My Eyes.

Be My Eyes app for iOS

Be My Eyes app for Android

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