Student with hands on his computer mouse sitting at a table in a home learning environment with a sibling at a separate table.

Remote Instruction: What Do Your Kids Need At Home?

What are the "must haves" for a home learning space in case students do not go back to the classroom?

Many schools are in the process of determining whether schools will re-open in the fall or not. Many schools are planning scenarios for opening, remote instruction or hybrid instruction. Parents are also making decisions about what is best for their children. Just as we plan and shop for classroom school supplies before school starts, we also need to plan for supplies for the possibility of remote instruction. So what kind of learning environment does your student/child with VIB need at home to support remote instruction?

Physical Environment

Each student should have an established, quiet, place to learn. Some students may need to be in a room with adult supervision while other students may be self-motivated and work best in a separate room. Siblings may work in the same room or may need to be separated. While each student is unique, here are some general things to carefully consider when setting up a learning space at home.

Also consider setting up a scheduled time for school work and expectations for completing assignments. While the school routine is important for all students, students with visual impairments who have issues with eye fatigue, headaches, etc. also need to schedule school time during the optimal time of day – typically earlier than later – to maximize their success.

Students need the right environment to help them focus on school work. Please add your suggestions to this list in the comments below, along with ideas of “must have” school supplies for remote instruction for students with VIB!

By Diane Brauner

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