Image is a bar graph with an arrow pointing up.

Data Collection Made Easy

Quick and easy self-calculating data sheets

This self-calculating data collection and progress monitoring workbook can make data collection quick and easy. You can read the notes (the last tab in the workbook) and review the first tab, which is sample data for a student named “Sample Suzy Q.” This sample data sheet can show you some ways to adapt and use the self-calculating average column or use the percentage column. 

Data for Students with Multiple Disabilities

The original average/percentage format was developed to calculate data for students with multiple disabilities and included a level of engagment. For example, a 0 would mean task resistant;   1 – Little or No Engagement (< 20% of the time),   2 - Limited Engagement (20 - 40% of the time);   3 - Partial Level of Engagement (40-60% of the time);   4 -  Frequent Level of Engagement (60 - 80%);  and a 5 meant fully engaged during the entire activity.  The percentage column at the far right of the sheet is appropriate when using data numbers 0-5. You will want to use the average column for standard percentages.

Evaluation Tools

There are a variety of evaluation tools you can use to establish baselines and document how a student is making progress on IEP goals and objectives. It is important to have data to guide instruction and determine how to best meet student needs. Some evalution tools may include informal procedures, anecdotal notes, observation record, portfolio assessment, classroom-based assessment, standardized assessment, data collection, and curriculum based measurement. 

Criteria Measures

A few of the common criteria measures include level of engagement (as explained previously), percentage of accuracy, percentage of increase or decrease, percentage of completion, rubric scores and number of trials.


You can customize these self-calculating data sheets to make the data work for you. You can develop a workbook per student or per caseload. You can make each tab data for all the areas of the Explanded Core Curriculum. You can also upload the data sheet to Google Sheets and share the data sheet with other providers and general education teachers so you can collect data throughout the day for generalization of skills. You can also use the share feature to collect data or track target behavior or social goals.

While working in Google Excel or Google Sheets, you click on the item you want to change. Select which menu item you want. such as right clicking on the tab name to rename it for your student. To add a new data sheet, student or tab, click the plus sign on the bottom of the page. To add the data to the sheet, click the arrow in the upper right corner (between the 1 and the A) and it will highlight your entire sheet, hold the CTRL + C keys to copy the sheet, and go to the same arrow on the new sheet (on the far right between the 1 and the A) and hold the CTRL + V keys to paste. You will have a new copy of the sheet. You can also right clilck and select “move or copy,” or “Duplicate,” from the menu to make a new data sheet.

If you would like the sheet to fit on one page, please make sure to select the Page Layout tab, and the scale should be about 60% or select, “Scale to Fit,” to make sure the document fits. In addition, make the sheet landscape instead of portrait for best fit.

To get a copy of the Google Sheets, click here: Self-Calculating Google Sheet

To get a copy of the Self-Calculating Microsoft Excel version, click here.


Attached File(s)
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