CVI child touches Perkins globe. “CVI is the single leading cause of visual impairment in children in the Western World and as pre-natal and peri-natal care improves in the developing world, it will be a leading cause in those areas as well.

This is an epidemic and should be treated as such.

— Dr. Creig Hoyt

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On July 11 & 12, 2019 Perkins held it 5th Annual CVI Symposium. We had more than 150 participants including parents, medical professionals, and educators. This year, the focus of the symposium was on creating a path forward in pursuit of meeting the challenges of CVI. More specifically, panelists addressed the areas of (click link to review strategic intents)

Following the panel presentations, workgroups were formed in each of these topic areas.  The workgroups spent day 2 of the symposium outlining a plan for the work in each area.  A small representation from each group will continue the work over the course of the next year.

Together We Can Change How Children See the World


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Stay tuned for information about our 2020 symposium, hope to see you there!

Student fingers on the Monarch. APH's photo.

Making math more accessible: Monarch’s Word processor

Cartoon caterpillar on a half eaten leaf reading a book.

Butterflies part 1: Caterpillars

Monarch multiline braille display

Graphing with the Monarch and Desmos