Talking timer.

Accessible Time Tracking

This article highlights the tools that have been useful for students with visual impairment in gauging time for science activities and experiments.

As my class calculated their speed walking from one building to another on campus, it occurred to me how frequently time tracking is part of science labs.  When a student with a visual impairment has the tools and know-how to be the time keeper for an experiment, he/she will be much more interested and involved in the activity. Through a very simple take-home lesson,  encouraging and empowering your student with visual impairment to be the time keeper during labs, can truly make a difference in his/her experience in science lab and encourage further interest in science.

How can students with visual impairments track time in science activities?

Which time tracking tools are the most accessible?

An advantage of a stopwatch over iPad stopwatch is that is can run in the background, allowing the student to time for long periods of time, while the use of the iPad for other purposes is necessary.  In other words, the stopwatch keeps measuring even when the iPad is used for other purposes.

As always, accessibility leads to increased participation and engagement.

Collage for accessible time tracking

By Laura Hospitál

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