
Activity Bank for Disabilities: Resource

Activities for students with multiple needs.

Looking for activities for students with multiple disabilities? The Activity Bank for Disabilities (ABD) is a resource of activities for educators and for families. COVID-19 has been challenging for all students and educators; educators and families of students with multiple needs have wrestled with the challenges of remote instruction. The Activity Bank for Disabilities are resources designed for parents and caregivers and includes general guidelines for success. The activities are organized by:

Note: These activities are available in different languages!

Activity Bank for Disabilities website


By Diane Brauner

Student fingers on the Monarch. APH's photo.

Making math more accessible: Monarch’s Word processor

simple nature picture with digital grab handles to enlarge the picture.

How to create high resolution images for users with low vision

Cartoon caterpillar on a half eaten leaf reading a book.

Butterflies part 1: Caterpillars