Drawing of a large screen displaying a PowerPoint presentation with a pie chart graphic and lines for text.

PowerPoint and Screen Readers

Step-by-step directions on how to use a screen reader to create PowerPoint Presentations.

Even young students are learning to create simple multi-media presentations using PowerPoint. (Read more about  teaching students PowerPoint here and another PowerPoint lesson post here.) What about students who rely on screen readers?  Microsoft shares step-by-step instructions on how to create PowerPoint Presentations with a screen reader on Windows, Mac, iOS Android, Windows 10 app and Online. Select your device for instructions specific for your device!

The instructions are broken down into several sections, making it easier to to learn/teach. Note: The links are specifically for iOS devices so instructional categories may vary depending on the device. At the beginning of each linked page, are the options for other devices. Be sure to choose the correct device first!

By Diane Brauner

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