
Getting Started with Magnification Settings in Chromebook

To access the magnification settings on Chromebook, let the following directions guide you for getting started:

To access the magnification settings on Chromebook, let the following directions guide you for getting started:

  1. Click window with the time, internet signal and battery power info displayed on it in the far right hand side of the screen and select “settings”.
  2. In the search box at the top of screen type “accessibility.”
  3.  Select the box next to the word “enable screen magnification”
  4. After you select the magnification setting, the screen will Zoom to let you know that the magnification option is on.  Now you can explore magnification setting options that work best for you by clicking the settings section of the screen in the far right area of the screen.  You will see a hand icon to indicate that the accessibility settings are activated.
  5. In order to see Magnification settings click the hand on the bottom right hand side of the screen and click “accessibility.”

Magnification Setting Options:

Screenshot of all magnification options listed out


1.  High Contrast

High contrast Google screen

2. Magnification

Screenshot of magnified Chromebook page.

Photo of Magnified Google Screen


3. On Screen Keyboard

This is important if you are using a Chrome Flipbook or a Chromebook with a touch screen.  Under the magnification settings, you can turn on the onscreen keyboard that can be used to type text similar to the way one uses the on screen keyboard of the iPad.

Onscreen keyboard

A note on using Screen Magnification:

The Screen Magnification setting for Chromebook is most appropriate for those with low vision who benefit from the basic magnification options since magnification settings in Chromebook only increase to approximately 2x. However, one the biggest benefits to the magnification settings in Chromebook is that you can activate Chromevox, Magnification, Contrast and the On Screen Keyboard at the same time.  Being able to activate all these magnification features as needed makes the Chromebook much more accessible to the wide array of needs to people with low vision.

By Julie Johnson

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