Screenshot of the Insert Table window in Microsoft Word.

Creating an Accessible Table in Word

Want to learn how to create a table for your student who uses a screen reader? Follow these step-by-step instructions!

General education teachers are creating digital materials to be used by their students.  Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVIs) should spend a little time training general education teachers on how to make their materials accessible.  Armed with a little accessibility knowledge, all teachers can create accessible documents – including tables – with the TVI modifying these documents.  Do you have tech savvy general education teachers?  Simply share this post and be available to answer any initial questions.  

Do you want to quickly check to see if a previously made table in a Word document is accessible?  Use Word’s built-in accessibility checker!  (See step #9 below.)

Steps to creating an accessible Table

1.  In the Ribbon, select Insert tab, then select Table.

2.  Select the number of rows and columns by highlighting the boxes on the grid.

Screenshot that shows Insert Table window with a grid used to select the number of rows and columns that will be used in the Table.

3. Type in the table data.

4. Title your table using the caption tool.

Screenshot showing the popup window to add the Table title and to label the image as a table

5.     Identify the Header Row

Screenshot of Table Properties Ribbon tab displaying checked Row with Repeat as header row at the top of the page.

6.     Restrict the table to your page width.

Restrict Table Width: Screenshot of Table Properties with unchecked

7.     Add Bookmark

Screenshot of Bookmark window with title typed in.

8.     Add Alt Tag description to Table

Alt Text window with the title and table layout description.

9.     Use the Word Accessibility Checker to check for accessibility.

Screenshot of Accessibility Checker window open with

10.     Things you should NOT do:

Printable copy of the Creating an Accessible Table Instructions.

Attached File(s)
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