Image: Cover of an iBook

My technology iBook

An iBook created by a student to share with her teacher and class about the technology she uses to access her the regular ed. curriculum.

It’s hard to believe summer vacation is over and it’s time to go back to school.

One of the many ways we can support our students with visual impairments to develop self advocacy skills is to create a digital book to share with their new teacher about their eye condition, needs, and technology. During ESY my student took pictures of her technology and answered questions so I could create an accessible iBook to share with her teacher and peers. Ideally, the student would have created the book independently, but we ran out of time during ESY. 

Attached is the iBook I created for her. It includes the pictures she took and the words she dictated. Since she wants to read the book to her class, I used a black background and white print for her to read more easily. This book could be read aloud by using a screen reader because it includes digital accessible text and alt text for each image, as well as using a refreshable braille display.

Next week, my student is going to share this book with her class so they can learn about the technology she uses to learn. She is also going to teach the students about braillelead a game with manipulatives to write braille letters and give them braille name labels to put on their print name tags. The braille presentation was her own idea and the classroom teacher is thrilled that the student is completing this presentation for the class. 

Download the My Technology iBook here.

Collage for My Tech iBook

Attached File(s)
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