Image of title text: Getting Started with Windows Magnifier

Getting Started with Windows Magnifier

Windows Magnifier is a free and functional screen magnification accessibility program built into all Windows computers

When I work with students, families, and teachers, I often recommend learning to use free versions of accessibility software when they are available.  One example of software that students with visual impairments use is screen magnification, or screen enlargement software.  Using screen magnification software, individuals who use their vision to access the computer can digitally “zoom in” on the screen’s contents, resulting in a magnified image.  This enlarged image results in the edges of the original screen being cropped, or cut out, so individuals typically will pan around the screen by moving the mouse.

Popular commercial versions of screen enlargement software include Zoomtext and MAGic, the latter of which is available to American Printing House for the Blind (APH) Quota Funds eligible students in a special student edition.  Commercial screen enlargment programs offer lots of features in addition to the core magnification features.  For example, users can get extra large, high contrast mouse cursors, fonts stay readable even at high levels of magnification, and text can be highlighted and read out to the user.

Unfortunately, purchasing specialized products can be an expensive proposition.  Individuals may not be in a position to afford purchasing the software, or schools want to trial the software before committing to large purchases.  Luckily, both Windows (Magnifier) and Apple (Zoom) computers have free, built-in screen enlargement programs that users can use.  In my professional opinion, learning to use Magnifier and Zoom is the best first step for understanding how to use screen enlargement.  That is, they’re cost effective, and a user can be ensured that wherever they might be (like a computer lab or library), they will be able to help themselves better access the computer.  Also from personal experience, many of my students really only need to use the basic magnification feature.

In this blog post I am going to focus on Windows Magnifier, since this program is what students will encounter the most throughout their educational careers, as well as in public venues.  Below, you will find a few key considerations for getting started with Magnifier, and potential issues to be aware of.  I hope you find this helpful!


Image of Magnifier window

Image of Magnifier settings window

Collage of getting started with Windows magnifier

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