One to One

One-to-One Correspondence

Demonstrate one-to-one correspondence in familiar daily settings to increase comprehension.

This activity has been revised and was originally created by Mary Jane Clark and published in the Perkins Activity and Resource Guide (1st edition, 1992).  The second edition is available for purchase.

This activity will reinforce the concept of one-to-one correspondence in a variety of everyday functional contexts. Lessons include Math, Independent Living.

Materials will vary depending on the skill level of the student. Use functional items that the student encounters daily.

Reinforce one-to-one correspondence using these activities throughout the day:

 Provide repeated opportunities for the student to practice one-to-one correspondence.



Student fingers on the Monarch. APH's photo.

Making math more accessible: Monarch’s Word processor

Cartoon caterpillar on a half eaten leaf reading a book.

Butterflies part 1: Caterpillars

Monarch multiline braille display

Graphing with the Monarch and Desmos