measuring the depth of the water in the stream tray

Making Waves

A science student from Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired studied how different surfaces affect waves.

This science project of a student at Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired examines how different surfaces affect waves.


How do different surfaces reflect waves?


The waves hitting the board will last longer.



Rather than use a stream tray, a tub from Wal-Mart proved to be a more affordable option and was about the correct size.


  1. Fill the tub to a depth of 4 cm.
  2. Place a board (on a slight angle) at the end of the tub.
  3. Create a wave that will be reflected off the board and count how many times the wave moves back and forth across the tank before it disappears.
  4. Replace the reflecting board with stones. Place a pile of stones at one end of the tray. These stones should be piled up to a level just below the top of the tray. Ensure that there is a seaward slope with the pile of stones and it is even across the width of the tank.
  5. Create a wave that will be reflected off the stones and count how long the wave moves back and forth across the tank before it disappears.
  6. Repeat using sand.
  7. Record your results.



My hypothesis was correct.  The waves that bounced off the board lasted longer.

NGSS Standards:

By Laura Hospitál

collage of making waves

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