Classification lineup

Classification Line Up

This activity creates an interactive model for learning the classification system (taxonomy) of living things.


To create an interactive model for students with visual impairments to learn the classification system (taxonomy) of living things

Background Information:

The classification system for living organisms contains a number of levels into which the organisms are organized based on characteristics. The number of organisms in a group decreases as the classifying moves from the kingdom, for example, Animalia (animal) to Phylum, class, order, family genus, and species.



The teacher prepares examples of the classification blocks for the students to examine. Wooden blocks or Duplos™ are used for the base. Then a craft stick is taped to the base. A note card 3″ by 5″, indicating the classification category in large print, Braille and/ or with pictures is taped to the top of the card.


  1. Given the classification blocks the student organizes the blocks in order: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
  2. After the student accurately put the blocks in order, the student creates blocks to use in subsequent classification activities.
  3. The cards the student creates provides an additional opportunity to learn the classification categories and to practice the classification of organisms.

NGSS Standards

LS4.A. Anatomical similarities and differences between various organisms living today and between them and organisms in the fossil record, enable the reconstruction of evolutionary history and the inference of lines of evolutionary descent.

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Collage of classifications
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